Are you feeling stuck in your career? Do you lack direction or clarity on your next steps?

Our career coaching services can help you unlock your potential, identify your strengths, and achieve your career goals.

Are you ready for a change in your career?

Do you want some support to gain that exciting promotion? Do you wish for a change of scenery and have your eyes on a role elsewhere? Maybe you'd like a complete change of industry?

I've got you! I've done this myself many times and helped hundreds of individuals to find new roles, get promotions and even start new businesses.

How I can help you


As an ICF Accredited Coach, I support professionals through tailored coaching packages, held either by telephone or video call. Together we will define your goals, identify your driving forces, build your personalised plan and implement the required actions to make the change happen.

Our career coaching services provide you with a personalised and comprehensive approach to career development. Our experienced career coaches will work with you to understand your unique needs and aspirations and develop a customised plan to help you achieve success.

Here are some of the benefits you can expect from our career coaching services:

Clarity on career goals: Our career coaches can help you gain clarity on your career aspirations and identify the skills, values, and interests that align with your career goals. This can help you make more informed decisions about your career path and set realistic goals that align with your personal and professional goals.

Improved job search strategies: Our career coaches can provide guidance on effective job search strategies, including how to craft a strong resume and cover letter, how to prepare for interviews, and how to network effectively. This can help you improve your chances of landing your dream job.

Enhanced self-awareness: Through assessments and self-reflection exercises, our career coaching services can help you gain a better understanding of your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth. This can help you make more informed decisions about your career path and identify opportunities for professional development.

Career Changer

This 8-week package is designed to get you to the bottom of what you want to do next in your career and helps you devise a plan to get there.

This quick, 8-week coaching package will get you on track and ready to make the right moves to achieve your career goals.

Increased confidence: Our career coaching services can help you build confidence in your abilities and develop a positive mindset, which can be crucial for overcoming obstacles and achieving career success.

Improved communication skills: Our career coaching services can help you develop better communication skills, which can be valuable for networking, building relationships with colleagues and clients, and advancing in your career.

What you get:

1 x 90-minute intensive one-2-one coaching session to set your personal objectives and create your action plan.

7 x 45 minute one-2-one coaching sessions

Voxer Office Hours

DISC Personality Profile and debrief


Payment by Stripe, PayPal, Credit/ Debit Card. Payment plans are available, please email me to arrange this and I will send you a link.

Let's have a call to discuss your options.

Career Confidence Booster

This coaching package is ideal for those who don't know what they would like to do next, just that they want to do something else. We will get to the bottom of what you want to do next and will help you to build the confidence to get there.

This longer, more comprehensive package will also help you with:

Deeper understanding of career goals: A longer coaching package can provide more time to explore and refine your career goals. With a deeper understanding of your career goals, you can create a more detailed and actionable plan to achieve them.

More time for skill development: Provides more time to develop new skills or improve existing ones. This can be especially valuable if you are looking to transition to a new career or advance in your current field.

Greater accountability and motivation: The longer coaching package can provide more opportunities for accountability and motivation. As your coach, I can help you stay on track with your goals and provide support and encouragement when you face challenges.

What you get:

1 x 90-minute intensive one-on-one coaching session to set your personal objectives and create your action plan.

10 x 45 minute one-2-one coaching sessions

Voxer Office Hours

Energy Leadership Index assessment and debrief


Payment by Stripe, PayPal, Credit/ Debit Card. Payment plans are available. Please email me to arrange this and I will send you a link. Let's have a call to discuss your options.

Interview Skills Coaching

Victoria is a certified Career & Leadership coach with over 20 years of senior leadership and recruitment experience.

Having interviewed hundreds of applicants and been the successful applicant numerous times, Victoria uses her wealth of experience and knowledge to coach you through the interview process to help you feel confident and fully prepared for your interview.

Once your CV and application have done their jobs, it's time for your to shine in your interview. You have the potential and the skills to be called for an interview, now let me help you show the interview panel just how wonderful you are.

Interview coaching will help you feel prepared, anticipate the type of questions you could be fielding and how to answer them, interview coaching will help you feel prepared and confident for the meeting that could change your life.

2-hour Interview Skills Coaching



Practical advice on how to prepare effectively and overcome any areas of concern.

Using the STAR Model (Situation, Task, Action, Result) for interview success.

Learn what questions you should ask and about active listening, to help you put your best foot forward and shine bright in your interview.

20-minute post interview debrief.

Investing in our career coaching services can provide you with the support and guidance you need to achieve your career goals. Our career coaches are experienced professionals who are committed to helping you succeed. So why wait? Start your journey to career success today by signing up for our career coaching services!

CVs, Cover Letters and LinkedIn

CV and Cover Letter

Is your current CV missing the mark and not even landing you a call back? Let me change that for you, with a professional, tailored CV and cover letter for you to use to land your new role.

Whether you are brand new to the working world or a seasoned professional, our professional CV writing service will ensure that your CV helps you to get noticed, stand out from the crowd and gets you to the interview.


LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is an essential tool for the modern job seeker and free access to the world's largest recruitment pool. Every recruiter, internal or external uses LinkedIn to find talent.

An excellent, optimised LinkedIn profile will help you to attract the right attention in your job search, and help you to build your professional network quickly and easily.

We can help you to create a great LinkedIn profile or optimise the one you have already. Let's get you and your career noticed.


CV and LinkedIn Page Bundle

We will create your CV and cover letter and your LinkedIn profile to enhance your career search. The first step in a successful career search is to make you and your experience visible to recruiters and then, able to apply for roles with urgency.

We will tailor your LinkedIn profile including your experience, skills, qualifications and career goals.

We will optimise your whole profile from your imagery to your Headline to your Experience and Interests. Leaving you with an easy to update, easy to use, professional LinkedIn profile.


How it Works

  1. Purchase the appropriate package

  2. Upload your existing CV or complete our short career information form.

  3. I will start to work on your order, liaising with you directly by email if I have any questions.

  4. The first draft of your CV will be sent to you by email within five working days.

  5. You review your documents and revert with any feedback so I can make any required changes.


From Employed to Self-Employed Made Easy Workshop and Journal

Victoria shares how to go about identifying your business proposition, how to determine if entrepreneurship is the right thing for you and how to get started (what are the options, how it’s possible and why it doesn’t need to be difficult).

Pre-recorded workshop on how to make the move from employed to self-employed in a really easy, simplified way without the fluff and jargon. Supported by the "From Employed to Self-Employed Made Easy Journal.


"In a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks."

~ Warren Buffett


Get in touch to discuss your career coaching requirements.

© Copyright 2023 | Victoria Canham Coaching