Are you feeling stuck in your career and looking for the next step or even a new step?

Are you ready to build on the foundations of your good career and take bold steps to create a great career with more of what you love?

Who am I & how can I help you?

Hi, I am Victoria Canham, you can call me Vicki.

I am a former corporate People Change Manager, turned Coach. I am accredited by the ICF as a Professionally Certified Coach, which is important because it means I have achieved over 700 hours of coaching, it's actually closer to 800 now, which means you are in safe, supportive hands.

I combine my senior experience in the business world with my coaching skills to help you to build a career that fills you with confidence and joy, and define to an empowered, clear future.

I have previously partnered with the world's largest recruitment company to offer career and small business coaching to those looking for a complete career change.

Are you ready to unlock your full career potential?

Picture a future where you're thriving in your dream role, armed with the skills, confidence, and strategies to conquer any challenge. We understand the unique complexities you face as a career mover and shaker, and are here to propel you towards success.

Elevate your career trajectory and get ready for greater success and fulfilment with a customised roadmap to achieve your career aspirations.

Maybe you have plateaued, maybe you have been made redundant, or maybe you are just ready for the next level and you just need a little reminder of how bloody awesome you truly are.

As an experienced coach and former senior leader in financial services, I understand the unique challenges you face and will provide tailored strategies to ensure you reach your goals, and confidently navigate the complexities of your career with precision. All while cheerleading your every effort and breakthrough.

How does Career Coaching work?

My career coaching programmes will help you to:

Craft a Distinct Professional Brand: Stand out in a competitive landscape. Let me use my expertise to transform your CV, LinkedIn profile, and cover letter into powerful tools that showcase your extensive skills and experience.

Masterful Interview Techniques: Step into interviews with unshakable confidence. Our mock interviews and tailored feedback sessions will hone your communication skills, ensuring you make a positive, lasting impression on potential employers.

Optimise Your Compensation Package: Negotiate from a position of strength. We will equip you with proven strategies for salary negotiations and benefits discussions, ensuring you receive the compensation package you deserve.

Propel Your Career to New Heights: Whether you're aiming for executive leadership or seeking a strategic pivot, we'll work together to craft a plan for unprecedented success. Realise your full potential and achieve the career growth you've envisioned.

Harmonise Work and Life: Achieve a fulfilling work-life balance. We will provide actionable strategies for managing your career in a way that aligns seamlessly with your priorities, leading to enhanced satisfaction and well-being.

Unwavering Support and Accountability: You're not alone on this journey. With a dedicated coach in your corner, you'll receive the support and accountability needed to stay on track and reach your objectives. Experience the power of a trusted partner.

Action: Embark on a transformative journey towards professional fulfilment, success, and satisfaction. Schedule a consultation now and take the first step towards unlocking your full career potential.

Want to have a chat about your career and coaching needs?

Please drop me an email on [email protected] or book a call using the button below and we can have a free, no obligation call to discuss your career coaching requirements, as well as the coaching process itself.

© Copyright 2023 Victoria Canham Coaching